One word substitution can express the idea of a phrase, sentence, or clause and help in writing. One-word substitution questions frequently occur in many national-level exams, government exams like SSC, SSC CHSL, SSC CGL, Bank exams, PO, Clerk, UPSC, MBA, and many competitive exams or entrance exams.

One word substitution list in English

One word substitutions are important to make communication & writing of the English Language much easier. these substitutions also help us to classify words in sentences which makes it easy to categorize and put the same word together. 

Here is the complete list of 200+  common, important one-word substitutions are given. for competitive exams.

1. Being unable to pay one's debt.   Insolvent

2. The study of the functions of the body.  - physiology 

3. The science of telling events by stars. - Astrology

4. Government by officials in a state.  - Bureaucracy

5. An office without any work but high pay. - Sinecure

6. A medicine to counteract the effect of a poison. - Antidote

7. An admirer of art.  - Dilettante 

8. A man has the qualities of a woman.  - Effeminate

9. That which cannot be moved.  - Immobile

10. The study of insects.  - Entomology

11. Word for word.  - Verbatim

12. Wish to do good to others.  - Benevolence

13. Whose meaning is difficult to understand.  - Abstruse

14. Way out for water or stream.  - Outlet

15. Want sleep.  - Insomnia

16. Usual behavior of a social group.  - Custom

17. Use of mild words in place of words required by truth.  - Euphemism

18. Troops trained for being dropped by parachute. - Paratroops

19. Touch or stroke lovingly.  - Caress

20. A traditional story related to deities.  - Myth

21. That which is pig-like.  - Porcine

22. Thing to be corrected in a printed book.  - Corrigendum

23. Things have been taken by robbers.  - Booty

24. That which is lion-like.  - Leonine

25. That which is fox-like.  - Vulpine

26. That which is dog-like.  - Canine

27. That which exists separately from other people. - Independent 

28. That which cannot be calculated.  - Incalculable

29. That which can be rooted out. - Eradicable

30. Study of the development of plants and animals from earlier forms. - Genealogy

31. Study of oceans and their phenomena.  - Oceanography

32. Study of law.  - Nomology

33. Study of fossils.  - Paleontology 

34. Study ancient things like tombs, and buried towns.  - Archaeology

35. Strong desire for food, and wealth.  - Greed

36. Strong flowing into another big river. - Tributary 

37. Stealing from the writings of others.  - Plagiarism

38. Statement that is obviously true. - Platitude 

39. That which can be easily believed. - Credible

40. That which cannot be put out or extinguished. - Inextinguishable

41. That which cannot be satisfied.  - Insatiable

42. That which can easily be curved without breaking. - Flexible 

43. That which cannot be erased or removed. - Indelible 

44. That which can easily be cut without breaking. - Flexible 

45. That which cannot be corrupted.  - incorruptible

46. To escape from hard realities.  - Escapism

47. The system which is observed to do progress or reform.  - Reformism

48. Temple dedicated to all the gods.  - Pantheon

49. Talk that brings a bad reputation to somebody.  - Scandal

50. Study of population.  -  Demography

51. The study of the physical phenomenon of lakes.  -  Limnology 

52. Spreading by infection.  -  Infectious

53. Specialist in mental or emotional disturbance.  -  Psychiatrist

54. Speak in a very low tone.  - Whisper

55. Something that is hidden.  - Mystery

56. Somebody that foretells the coming of something.  - Harbinger

57. Soldiers on big guns mounted on wheels.  - Artillery

58. To Deep that the bottom cannot be reached.  -  Unfathomable

59. A small shop that sells fashionable clothes cosmetics etc. - boutique

60. Shamelessly road. - Impudent

61. Serious crimes live murder and arson.  - Felony

62. Send rays of light or heat. -  Reddit

63. Send back a  criminal into custody for further investigation. - Remand

64. Secret place difficult to access. - Recess

65. Secret agreement for a fraudulent purpose. - Collusion

66. Search in the dark. - Grope fumble

67. Search for something.  - Quest

68. Secret religious meeting.  - Conventicle

69. Sea with a group of many islands.  - Archipelago

70. A signature on the back of a paper or cheque. - Endorsement

71. Showing contemptuous indifference.  - Superstitious

72. A short summary of a book or speech.  -  Epitope

73. Signal under martial law for people to remain indoors.  - Curfew

74. Showing deep sorrow for wrongdoing.  - Contrite

75. A short saying or poem which expresses an idea in a very clever and amusing way.  - Epigram

76. A short journey for pleasure.  - Excursion

77. A short expression of general truth.  - Proverb, Dictum, Maxim, Adage

78. Showing deep sorrow for wrongdoing. - Contrite

79. Short amusing story about some real person or event. -  Anecdote

80. Scornful and contemptuous language. - Opprobrium

81. Science of weight. - Metrology

82. Science of time. - Horology

83. Science of writing and compiling a dictionary. - Lexicography

84. The scientific description of different races and cultures.  - Ethnography

85. Science of the physical structure of the body. - Anatomy

86. Science of the habits of living things in relation to their environment. - Ecology

87. Science of the constitution of the whole universe.  - Cosmography

88. The scientific study of the cause of disease. - Etiology/Aetiology

89. The study of the human race especially of its origins development customs and beliefs. - Anthropology

90. Science of mechanical and industrial arts. - Technology

91. Science of healthy living. - Hygiene

92. Science of inscriptions. - Epigraphy

93. Science of human beauty. - Kalology

94. Science of fixing dates. - Chronology

95. Science of crimes and criminals. - Criminology

96. Study of coins. - Numismatics

97. Science of climate. - Climatology

98. Science of blood. - Hematology

99. Science of birds. - Ornithology

100. Science dealing with the proper use of terms. - Terminology

101. Science dealing with hereditary.  - Genetics

102. Science and technology of metals. - Metallurgy

103. Science and philosophy of human law. - Jurisprudence

104. Science and art of preparing and making good friends. - Gastronomy

105. Science and art of flying in aircraft. - Aviation

106. Indian school for very young children. - Kindergarten

107. Say in advance what is likely to happen. - Forecast predicts 

108. Say aloud from memory. - Recite

109. Saving of property from loss by fine. - Salvage

110. Saltwater lake is separated from the sea by sandbanks. - Lagoon

111. Rose for formal behavior among paper. - Etiquette

112. Room for washing kitchen utensils. - Scullery

113. Roof supported by columns at the entrance of a building. - Portico/Porch

114. Ritual washing of the body. - Ablution

115. Rising in arms against an establishment/government. - Insurrection rebellion

116. Rise or fall in the level of the sea. - Tide

117. Right or advantage available to a person. - Privilege

118. The reward for work or service.  - remuneration

119. Return to one's own country. - Repatriate

120. Return the same sort of ill-treatment.  - Retaliate

121. Reduction in tax or debt. - Rebate

122. Religious discourse. - Sermon

123. Reserved in speech. - Reticent

124. Responsible according to law. - Liable

125. Restore to the former position.  - Rehabilitate

126. Resulting in death or ending in disaster. - Fatal

127. Relation between different aspects of a thing. - Perspective

128. The reasoning power of the mind. - Intellect

129. Receiving guests warmly. - Hospitality

130. Record of events in the order of their happenings.-  Chronicle

131. Today is a pattern or design on the surface of something. - Emboss

132. Quick to judge and understand. - Perspicacious

133. Question or problem difficult to answer or understand. Puzzle, riddle. - Enigma

134. Put under the surface of the water. - Submerge

135. Put off for a future time. - Postpone procrastinate

136. Put into the form of a code. - Codify

137. Full out of usual shape. - Distort

138. Public merry-making and feasting. - Carnival

139. The public activity takes place in a very elaborate colorful and expensive way.  - Extravaganza

140. Place of good climate for invalids.  - Asylum

141. Property left to someone by a will. - Legacy

142. Property inherited from one's father. - Patrimony

143. Deducting a lot of books or other things. - Prolific

144. Process of sewing designs on cloth or other materials. - Embroidery

145. A principal that the war should and could be abolished. - Pacifism

146. A habit of independent thought.  - Individualism

147. Prevention of loss waste damage. - Conservation

148. Prevent from being carried out. -  Circumvent

149. Returns of having a virtuous character. - Hypocrisy

150. Present form or before birth. - Congenital

151. Marriage of God.  - Theogamy

152. Lover of dogs. - Canophilist

153. Loss of memory.  - Amnesia

154. A group of talkative girls/women. - Gaggle

155. Guided by one's sense of duty.  - Conscientious

156. A gust of wind. - Draught

157. Handwriting that can be easily read. - Legible

158. Happening at the same time. - Contemporary

159. Government-run by a dictator. - Dictatorship

160. Government by a person of the highest social order. - Aristocracy

161. Government buys intelligentsia.  - Meritocracy

162. Government by the rich and the powerful class. - Plutocracy

163. Government by officials. - Bureaucracy

164. Government by elected representatives. - Democracy

165. Government by elected representatives without a monarch. Republic
166. Government by divine laws. Theocracy
167. Government by king/queen. Monarchy
168. Government by a few people. Oligarchy
169. Governing body of University. Senate
170. A disease that causes death. Fatal
171. A lovely young girl. Nymph
172. A Young of animals. Offspring
173. One who looks on. Onlooker
174. Period of 15 days. Fortnite
175. A group of ants. Swarm
176. A person who always read books. Bookworm
177. A killer of an infant. Infanticide
178. That which cannot be read. Illegible
179. A person who prepares and sells drugs. Druggist
180. A place where clothes are kept. Wardrobe
181. A person who runs a beauty parlor. Beautician
182. A person who frightens and wants to achieve his goals. Terrorist
183. A person who travels in space. Astronaut
184. A person who travels to a holy place. Pilgrim

185. A period of 10 years. - Decade

186. Are medical examinations of a dead body. - Postmortem

187. Place in which bees are kept. -  Apiary

188. One who abstains from alcoholic drinks. -  Teetotaler

189. A place where orphans are housed. - Orphanage

190. Flesh of sheep used as food. - Mutton

191. One who lives near another. - Neighbour

192. A place set apart for children. -  Nursery

193. A man of millions. - Millionaire

194. Hater of books. - Misobiblic

195. Hater of learning. Misologist

196. Hater of marriage. - Misogamist

197. Having more than one meaning. -  Ambiguous/Equivocal

198. Imaginary ailments (disease). -  Hypochondria

199. Offering made to God. - Oblation

200. An official agreement to a proposal. - Assent

201. Gathering of all things. - Omnibus

202. Official announcement issued to the press. - Communique

203. Official counting of the population. - Census

204. One who analyses handwriting. - Graphologist

205. One who attacks. - Assaulter

206. One who believes that nothing can be said about God.  - Agnostic

207. One Ho you can neither read nor write. - Illiterate

208. One who cannot be corrected. - Incorrigible

209. A garland of flowers. - Wealth

210. The departure of many peoples. - Exodus

211. Gift of money to a retiring people. - Gratuity

212. Give the right to vote. - Enfranchise

213. Greedy for money. - Repacious

214. General instructions. - Directive

215. Future generation. - Posterity

216. Free from punishment. - Impunity

217. Form opinion in advance.  - Preconceive

218. For warming of impending danger. - Premonition

219. Fixed sum of money paid to somebody as income in his lifetime. -  Annuity

220. Fit for bad temper or anger.  - Tantrum

221. Fear of foreigners. - Xenophobia

222. Fear of oneself. - Autophoby

223. Fear of home surroundings. - Eco phobia

224. Fear of dead body. - Necrophobia

225. Fear of animals.  - Zoophobia

226. Fear of height. - Aerophobia

227. Faithful supporter. - Henchmen

228. Fail to pay a debt in time. -  Default

229. Expert in horse riding. - Cavalier

230. Existing since old times. - Antique

231. Existing forever. - Eternal

232. Amount of money paid to free a prisoner. - Ransom

233. Refreshment or amusement after hard work. - Recreation

234. Animals with four feet. - Quadruped

235. Any soft drink except water. - Beverage

236. Art of growing vegetables, fruits, and flowers. - Horticulture

237. Art of making fireworks. - Pyrotechnics

238. Art of map-making. - Cartography

239. Style of speaking well. -  Elocution

240. Artificial center for honey bees. - Hive