This question requires the students to write letters of the following kinds based on the given input:

(a)  business or official letters for making enquires, registering complains, asking for and giving information, placing orders and sending replies

(b)  letters to the editor (giving suggestions, opinions on an issue of public interest)

(c)  application for a job with a biodata or resume.

(d)  letter to the school or college authorities regarding admissions, school issues, requirements/suitability of courses, etc.

The student is required to write official letters and letters to the editor. The essential requirements of a good letter are:

(a)  suitable format

(b)  well - organised content and

(c)  appropriate language

Formal Letters

Formal letters are written for a specific purpose. By nature, therefore, they are serious compositions and provide no scope for irrelevant matter or frivolous language. Students should keep in mind the following when they actually start writing a letter.

The purpose of writing the letter should be clear to the writer. The content, language and style of the letter are determined by this.

Do not write anything unrelated to the subject. Extra unnecessary statements weaken the letter.

The  tone of the letter should be polite but not unduly humble. Experience like

'I beg to state...' are outdated and have been discarded.

--- In job applications, do not beg for the job or go to the other extreme of being boastful.

--- In letters to the editor, the tone of the letter need not be excessively formal as you are expressing your opinion/problem. However, no irrelevant content should be allowed to creep in.

--- The tone in a formal letter should never be sarcastic or frivolous. Do not attempt to be humorous.

Detailed information regarding format, content and language is given below. Indented format is not in use nowadays: block format is almost universally used. The examples given are of the block format in which the use of commas in the address, date etc. is optional. They can be omitted altogether. If used, they should be used throughout the format items. In  other words, be consistent with the use or omission of comma.


(a) Official letters and letters to the Editor

Sender's Address.......................... [Do not put the sender's name above the address]


Pin ........................................

Date.................. [Date may be given in a style ]

Inside Address ...............................[The name if necessary, designation and address of the recipient ]


Pin .............................

Sir                 [Dear Sir/Madam]

Subject................................ [State the purpose of writing the letter in a phrase.]

Introductory para  [Restate the purpose of writing the letter in a sentence. Identify yourself]


Main body of the letter..................... [Give details of the problem/purpose of writing.]





Concluding para ................... [State what you want the authority/person, to whom the letter is addressed, to do.]



Yours faithfully

(Full Name in Capitals)

Designation (if needed)

(b)  Business Letters

Tel. No. ..................................... [Imaginary]

Our Ref. ................................... [Make according to the 1.subject including,2.year and,3.letter no.]

Your Ref.(if needed)............................. [Can be different from 'Our Ref'. but should contain 1. sub, 2.letter no and,3.year]

Sender's Address ...........................................[The address of the individual or the company writing the letter]



Pin ...............................

Date ............................... [Date may be given in any style.]

Inside Address......................................[The name if needed, designation, and complete address of the recipient ]



Pin .....................................

Sir                          [Salutation ]

Subject ...................................[State the purpose of writing.]

Introductory ............................................[Restate the purpose giving information about the problem. Mention dates, bill no ( in case of complaint ) and other relevant. factual information, ]



Main Body of the letter .................................. [Elaborate the problem.]





Concluding para, ........................................[State what you expect the recipient to do about your problem].

Yours faithfully                                 [Complimentary close ]



(Full Name) ................................. In capitals

Designation .................................

encl, : (if needed) ...................................... [Mention as needed- photograph, biodata, documents, etc.]

c.c (if needed)................................[A/c should match the initials of the person who signs this letter. XYZ are the initials of the typist steno who types this letter.]



1. Business Letters: Enquiries and Replies


1. Your younger brother is an extremely good looking and smart kid. Your parents are considering modelling offers for him. You come across the following advertisement and find it attractive enough to make enquiries.

Cute children required earliest for TV and magazine ads. of children's products, soft drinks. Serial openings offered. Contact Towns People, M-54, Greater Kailash, New Delhi

Write a letter on behalf of your father seeking details about the assignment, stating your terms and conditions and giving information about the child. Enclose photographs. Sign as Ramesh Sharma. You are living at S- Block, Sector 12, Noida.

Ans. ⬇️⬇️

14 S-Block         

Sector 12    

Noida - 201301  

Nov. 11, 20XX     [Date]

The Manager                  

Towns People    

M-54, Greater Kailash

New Delhi


Sub : Enquiry about the modelling assignment

This is in reference to your advertisement in the Times of India dated Nov. 9, 20XX inviting attractive children to act as models.

My son is eight years old and is extremely good looking He is very intelligent and can easily follow instructions. He is a student of class III and has taken part in many school functions. I am enclosing four paragraphs of my son taken from different angles. I would like to him to be a model for your company.

In case you find the photographs suitable, please let me have the details of your offer.

with best wishes

Yours faithfully

Ramesh Sharma

Encls : 4 Photographs

2. Write a reply to the above enquiry.

Ans. ⬇️⬇️

Towns People

M - Greater Kailash

New Delhi

Nov. 17, 20XX

Mr Ramesh Sharma

14 S - Block

Sector 12


Dear Mr Sharma

I thank you for your letter dated Nov. 11, 20XX and the interest you have shown in our firm.

I am pleased to inform you that our pane of advertising executives thought highly of your son's photographs. He is a very photogenic child and may serve our purpose.

To answer your query, I would like to tell you about our firm. We are a reputed ad agency and are currently  to answer your query, I would like to tell you about our firm. We are a reputed ad agency and are currently handling the advertising campaign of food and drink Ltd., a well- known multinational company. I suggest that you bring the child to our office next Sunday so that we may repeat to him and know more about him. We shall put through some easy exercises. In case he performs to our satisfaction, we shall make you our offer.

Please let me know if you would like to meet us on some other day. Hopping to hear you soon.

Yours faithfully

Aakash Saxena

( Creative Manager )