What Is Modals In English [ Definition ] and Examples


Modals are Verbs used to  express the mood or attitude of the speaker. they are used before ordinary  verbs & express meanings such as permission, certainly and necessity. Modals have not s , es in the  Third person singular . they have no infinitive and -ing form.

what is modals in english meaning defination and examples

Has to / Have to

[a]    Has to and Have to  are used to express some compulsion, necessity or obligation in the present or future tenses. The expression  had to is the past tense of  has to and have to and serves the same function.
1. Rajendra  has to finish his work on time.
2. I have to withdraw money from the bank.
3. He had to move the  Almirah himself.

[b] In negatives and questions,  have to and had to are used with do , does , and did.
1.They don't  have to worry about food.
2. She doesn't  have to  finish the drawings.
3. Prem didn't have to go. 


Must doesn't have a past tense form. We can use must to talk about the present or the future. to talk about the past, we use had to ( the past form of have to )
Must is used  to express

[a] Compulsion 
1. You must see the doctor at once.
2. He must work hard in order to pass.

[b] Duty
1. One must serve ones country.
2.We must respect our parents.

[c] Obligation
1. You must help your neighbors.
2. One  must obey ones elders.

[d] necessity 
1. If you want  to reach on time , you must run fast.
2. You  must speak loudly if you want to be heard.

[e] Logical Certainty
1. It is getting dark. She must have left already.
2. Living in such abnormal conditions must be difficult.


Mustn't is used to convey the sense of obligation, compulsion, etc . as in the case of must but in the negative sense.

(a) We mustn't  waste our time 
(b) You have fever . you mustn't jump around.
(c) She mustn't go late for the interview.

Should /Shouldn't

1. Should is used in all persons to express duty or obligation.
(a) We should obey the laws.
(b) You should be honest.
(c) Children shouldn't deface the walls.
(d) She should respect her elder brother

2. Should is used to express caution or purpose.
(a) Work hard lest you should fail. 
(b) Walk carefully lest you should fail.

3. Advice.
(a) You should not speak loudly.
(b) She should learn the facts properly.
(c) We should not jump to conclusions.

4. Guess /Supposition.
(a) It shouldn't rain, the sky is clear.
(b) If my father should see me at the restaurant, he will be annoyed.
(c) The baby should be about a year old.
(d) It shouldn't take them more than three hours to reach  here.


Need is used to express necessity or obligation generally in an interrogative sentence in the present tense.
(a) Need you worry about your last documents?
(b) Need I tell you more ?
(c) Need she pay the amount?

Needn't / Need not

Needn't / Need not is used to express necessity in the negative sense.
(a) I need not meet him.
(b) I can very well hear you. You needn't shout.
(c) You need not have abused him.

Ought to

Ought to is used to express
1. Obligation or desirability.
(a) We ought to love our neighbors.
(b) You ought to respect your elders.
(c) He ought to get the promotions.

2. Duty
(a) We ought to  help the poor.
(b) You ought to respect the traffic rules.

3. Probability
(a) The prices of onions ought to  come down soon.

4. Logical Deduction
(a) The book has been received well. it ought to fetch a good price.
(b) The chief guest has left. He ought to be here any minute.

Ought Not

Ought not  is the negative form of ought . it advises against something.
(a) He ought not smoke so much.
(b) We ought not disrespect our elders.

NOTE : Usually to is not used after ought when followed by not.