I am going to tell you about story of my favorite movie . THE MAMA  Hollywood movie
 This movie starts with two little girl  Lily and Victoria . they were twins only 5 years old girl as there father rushes in and drags them away in a hurry  her father has suffered a mentally sick . then he kidnapped his two daughters he taken wrong medicine and pills to became mentally disorder.
and then he going with his daughter to the snowy roads at high speed. his elder sisters worried about  Lily the car out of control and crash but they safe with some injuries then 3 km across a house made of woods. the daughter and his father stay there as also seems there as also seems her father Jefry mentally sick  Jefry has no real plan .
He was though his own crime to kidnapped his daughter and then he felt guilty and then he killing himself putting a gun to his head and then Victoria calls her father she seems a women outside  and they see her father not touching ground and then he going to shoots Victoria telling her to face the window mama was there with long black hair & black dress she looks horror and Victoria turned back her daddy dragging him off ghost Victoria does not have her glasses so she seems all blur  as we see the ghost does not want to hurt  them that`s why ghost killed her father & they protecting girls & suddenly rolling cherries to them from the darkness.
then 6 months later police reached the house of Jefry, police found her family then they call  Jefry brother her wife does not want a child and then his brother adopt both and give Victory new glasses finally being able to see first time clearly but her wife not interest in kids and her young sister lily  behavior were so weird she won`t interest to speaking anyone and eating on the floor and she started eating insect,cockroaches and her mama spirit harm him  & they admitted in hospital and her girlfriend leaves with two daughter .
she hears a women singing at  2 am and the door open and then she ask  Victoria she started scaring and then after some day both girls are comfortable to her and then her real mother jealous and then starts a haunted things in house  & after that she calls the father of church to found the what`s matter
then he questioning about her real mother and shows her real life mama pictures.
her mama spirit  in her younger daughter Lily then her mama reveals and grab her little daughter the girl gone outside and standing at the edge of mountain &suddenly her step mother came see the girls  that time her mama ghost hold Victoria & lily .
Lily walks toward the ghost and she trying to hold her but she Victoria suddenly says goodbye to mama and  her real mother ghost grab Lily and go away in air